Your IChing Reading for June

Your IChing Reading for June by your IChing Reader Angelica Danton.

The Summer Solstice approaches on June 20 in the Northern Hemisphere and we know it is when the tilt to the Sun is at its strongest. Midsummer is seen as a powerful time for manifestation and movement towards action. The positive or yang energies are apparent at this time and hexagram 1 fits this perfectly.

Think about your next stage of the year and what you would like to plan but decide to fully enjoy this seasonal time of maximum sunlight and longer days. If you are located in the Southern Hemisphere it is the time soon of the Winter Solstice another special time of year when the daylight is shortest. Celebrate that time by conserving energy and connect with others to keep your energy fresh and reinvigorated.

Bearing in Mind this special period we turn to look at your IChing Reading for June. It is the No 1 IChing Hexagram “Creation ” or “Chien” and draws us to consider how much we need the creative light and power both within us and in other humankind and nature. We are born creative and aspiring beings and the first Hexagram gets us to look at this time as one to recognise our own creative force in whatever way we express or see it as this month has gifts to give you on this level.

The image of Heaven over Heaven draws us in a circle of companionship and sharing respectfully while encouraging us to appreciate inspiring thoughts and deeds. This month you need to really envision your future with respect for yourself and share with like minded others and kindred souls. Your relationships with others may improve or you may meet someone who will play an important role in your future especially if you have an adventurous side to you. Romantically there are surprises too. Meetings can take place suddenly or old flames could reconnect.

The Yang Energy of this Solstice is behind you. Tap into it as you may find a reserve of power you had not thought was there but handle the extra energy carefully and with balanced attitude. Honor your Soul and your Passion by planning a special Ritual or Event for this MidSummer time if you are in the North or the Winter Solstice in the South. Dance or play music, gather together your friends or create your own event celebrating the power of the elements. The Solstices are times to protect your space and bless your surroundings. It is also a very good time for reading your Tarot or focusing on your affirmations or Magick(as you may well already know).

Enjoy your Solstice and let your inner light shine this month. The light is increasing(in the North) and will reach its peak soon!In the Southern Hemisphere start planning for your Summer ahead in the next part of the year.

Symbolically you may get the clarity you need very soon for your plans.

See you here next month

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