Morning politics discussion with my folks. Good to be back with them, to see and talk with them. Miss my CA fam, but my hope is relaxation and healing for them.
Weather in Jackson, MI is not too shabby. Sunny in the afternoon 80s.
After a bit, slept soundly. No dream details recalled.
Got up and had coffee and breakfast (plate sized blueberry pancake and a banana.
Talking with my Dad, my Dad was regretting not calling Katy enough. I recommended maybe starting today to call her every day.
Had lunch, I polished off the chili from last night, they had sandwiches and chips.
We went out shopping, and I picked up some necessities.
Came back home, doing some reading before a pre dinner shower.
Hung out a bit, then went shopping with them
DATE: 8/4/2024
DAY: Wednesday, day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavendar incense.
TIME: Updated 7:54 PM EST.
SLEEP AND DREAMS: Spotty then sound. No dream details recalled..
WEATHER: 70s, sunny. Feels like 72 right now.
Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Qabalistic Cross Ritual
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Qaballistic Cross Ritual
Body Awareness Ritual
Instant Relaxation Ritual
Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, Luna
Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram, Mercury
Liber Resh Vel Helios Morning Adoration
Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
Liber Resh Vel Helios Noon Adoration
Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Middle Pillar Ritual
Liber Resh Vel Helios Evening Adoration
Zelator Meditation
Body in Assiah
Liber Resh Vel Helios Midnight Adoration
Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIX The Sun. Sol. Yesod to Hod. Foundation of Splendor. Healing, renewal, regeneration. Resh, face that is not a head, 200.
Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Six of Wands. Jupiter on Leo. Lord of Victory. Tiphareth in Atzilututh.
It is a day to read a bit before bed, on the divisions of Anthropology.
Some fields or divisions of Anthropology I’ve slacked on a bit, so perhaps Medical and Physical Anthropology studies tonight, along with catching up on Homer and Hesiod.
Great Books is no longer just Sun and Mon, but everyday, as I could be a bit further on study of just those two alone.
Also, would not be a bad thing to exercise a bit more on a daily basis, .. and meditate .. every morning (without fail).
While I’m with my folks every day will use the Cubii to do step repetitions
With a fair diet and daily exercise, I’m hoping to get back down to a 36 size waist quickly.
I awoke this morning, at the same time my folks got up. We had our morning coffee. We then had blueberry plate sized pancakes and coffee. I then shaved and put shorts on.
We then went and ran errands, and I got some Zyn (weaning myself off again).
Yes, my will needs some discipline and willpower.
Going to take a shower before dinner.
Now going to engage in some reading of Anthropology subdisciplines and Homer and Hesiod.
Will do my Zelator Formula today.
I guess Mysticism might be my calling. Or there are fundamental concepts I never grasped in regards to Magic. Pathworkings might be a novel idea for me.
Or prayer, a life of prayer like those elderly ladies that whisper while playing with their rosary beads, and faithful acceptance of the Eucharist. Prayer and pathworkings.
Maybe then I can tap my finger on the shoulder of Shem angels, let alone archangels, or the greater countenance and voice of God.
Evocation keys in pathworkings might just be a foot in the door.
Or, stick to my guns, and continue reading one or two books in parallel, treating each and every one as a grimoire in its own right.
Or quit listing for results after rattling on the gate doors and tossing geomancy pebbles at the Shem shoulders.