Iching Reading September 2024

Iching Reading

This Month, the 9th month of the year our I Ching Reading is No 10, “Conduct or Steps” by your 13 Society IChing Reader Angelica Danton.

This Month you may experience powerful surges of emotion and periods of intense reflection. The partial eclipse in the Full Moon in Pisces on September 17 during the Month of Virgo may unsettle the unwary or cause extreme behaviour in some with consequences, but the wise know that the best way forward in times of turbulence is to steady themselves with a sense of their own soul destiny and self worth and to seize the opportunity this soulful time gives us.

The Hexagram of the Steps or Conduct No 10 Hexagram cautions us not to compare our lives to others. In the perennial hit peace song “Desiderata” we are reminded in the lyrics not to compare ourselves to others and to avoid cynicism about the value of love as it is everlasting.

The lesson of the metaphysical polarity on the transpersonal level of Pisces and Virgo is to step carefully between analysing life and accepting the “unknown” elements we live with as humans. Use the symbolism of the Steps this Month to understand the value of mastering oneself.

Envy jealousy and fear arise when we lose connection with our natural inner guidance and compare ourselves and our lives with others allowing those who are self-seeking to weaken us.

The discovering of true self-worth is a lifelong journey. But there is no other journey as powerful and as enlightening and no other way we can each of us fulfil our Destiny on this plane.

A serious note to September is also the memory of the 9/11 tragedy. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 17th will occur approximately a week after the anniversary.

With respect and remembrance of all who suffered during that time, we can take time out this month to also reflect in our own way on the sacrifices, courage and compassion shown by so many in the highest human spirit even in such tragedy, raising our thoughts to joining with others at this time every year in the 9th Month on the 11th Day.

After your journey this Month of cleansing healing and remembering, you may experience renewed vigor to move forward in October.

We meet again next month for your I Ching Reading!

Author: Angelica Danton

I am an author(Goddess Signs),writer and contributor specializing in metaphysics and bios.My credits include writing for Destiny Magazine,Woman's Day and online for Realms of Magic and 13Society(current).Lecturer Teacher Psychic Development and Protection.

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