Iching reading October 2024

For October 2024 we look to the 37th Hexagram “The Family ” or Wind over Fire for our insights.
By your 13Society IChing Reader Angelica Danton.

It is already the tenth month of the year and in the Northern Hemisphere the time of the Fall and the Autumn. When times of reflection and peace can be of great benefit us.

In the Southern Hemisphere Spring is just beginning to stir and change of season times are upon us. It is also the season of Halloween and to many the time to dress up, celebrate or just watch your favorite ghost movies or share your favorite spooky stories both real and or imaginary as to your taste. What makes Halloween especially fun is joining in the fun. Whether going to parties, dressing up or just decorating your house and contributing to the energy of the holidays. Remember that the warmth of a carefully tended fire or hearth with compatible company awakens all of us to our ancient love of campfire tales. Which activate our creativity imagination and sense of adventure and curiosity.

Your Reading

For those mystically inclined it is time to do Readings, share insights or read our Dreams and even do special rituals in honor of this ancient old Celtic Festival. An honored and ancient custom on Halloween in Celtic Culture was to ” sain” or cleanse your house by the burning of herbs like Juniper Rowan or Heather as a way of invoking protection or by blessing water for each member of the house.

In your Reading this month. We are naturally called to look upon the power of the Family or the Clan as in your personal group or in a related or wider sense as in the Extended Clan. Looking at the Family that you belong to, are you close enough to share this month your dreams and hopes or campfire tales with them, Or do you see yourself as more a part of an extended Clan or group in which each of you has a value and a place.
If you are not in either this may well be exactly the right time to make up your mind to join with likeminded people or your spiritual kinspeople as we do on 13Society. When we write read articles or posts, comment or contribute to a Forum on subjects we have a common interest in and love to read about and discuss.
Looking Ahead
Family has as broader a meaning as you want to see it as having. What really makes a true family is a respect for each person in it and the role he or she plays to the best of their ability. You may find in yourself this Halloween and Holiday period the inspiration to form a group or join one that you feel a valued part of. In short, the meaning of Family will begin to mean much more to you. Visualize this and you will find a way to enhance your communications or form your group.
Don’t forget that there are many likeminded souls on this planet and if your heart and soul align you will seek them out or they you your “family” maybe much bigger than you think. Be discerning seeking only those who respect themselves and others.
If you are already part of a valued Family or Clan. This month holds promise of bringing special memories or joys and one’s that you will greatly treasure.
Have a truly memorable safe and just the right kind of spooky Halloween and I wish all of you and your families a great month in this Clan we call 13Society!
My Tips for the Season
Spooky Movie Recommendation “The Uninvited (1944). Classic Vintage perfect for this te of year !
Ritual for Protection before Midnight on Halloween Eve bless each corner of each room entrance in your home with a small amount of water or salt.
Honor ancestor memories by making an altar and place either pictures or simply your journal memories of your loved ones on it. Then decorate with favorite Halloween   Pieces example fresh flowers in orange colors or orange candles and pumpkins. Honor their memory with gratitude.

Author: Angelica Danton

I am an author(Goddess Signs),writer and contributor specializing in metaphysics and bios.My credits include writing for Destiny Magazine,Woman's Day and online for Realms of Magic and 13Society(current).Lecturer Teacher Psychic Development and Protection.

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